Old Alresford Cottage is committed to training and developing the skills of all staff to provide the highest standard of care to the residents.
Managerial staff are qualified to at least NVQ Level 4 in Health and Social Care. Senior staff have all achieved NVQ Level 3 and staff currently employed at the home range in experience from one year to up 24-years. All other personnel are experienced or training to a minimum of NVQ Level 2.
All new staff members go through an induction programme within the first 12 weeks of joining the Company which is followed by planned supervision on a regular basis.
In addition to this, all new staff are incorporated into the Company’s annual training programme. This will include all courses relating to the Care Quality Commission (CQC), Compliance with Health and Social care Act 2008 requirements. This includes First Aid, Manual Handling and meeting the foundation training requirements of Skills for Care, the National Workforce Development body, responsible for Standards and Qualifications in Adult Social Care.

The Home is fortunate to have their own dedicated training company 'Training for you' based at Old Alresford Cottage, providing a high-quality service in training, assessment and verification, including accredited and non-accredited courses.
The management also believes in addition to achieving required qualifications, staff should be encouraged to continue to develop their skills and knowledge. This ensures the home is well placed to provide the best care to residents with experienced, knowledgeable and positively motivated staff.